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Imagine Church Differently Notes on Alan Hirsch

Imagine Church Differently Notes on Alan Hirsch

Today I watched Alan Hirsch give a talk at the Velocity Conference in Georgia. It was a great video and worth the 47 minutes to watch and take notes on.  He made a pretty compelling argument for his statement, “The battle for the future of the church in the West will be won at the level of imagination or it will be… Read more →

Successful innovation and Missional research

One of the things I find most fascinating is making associations, making connections between seemingly disconnected ideas. At this time I am working on how to be innovative in missional research. By missional research I mean discovering the best ways for Christ followers to apply their apprenticeship to Christ in a specific local context and that especially when the apprentice… Read more →

Innovation: Great wheelchair for the developing world

New wheelchair gets its first real-world test Grad student’s device aims to meet the needs of millions of people in the developing world. [youtube] I was really impressed by the innovation and social entrepreneurship of this product. Take a good look!.

Why Study Theology…or the Bible

I enjoyed this short video and think it explains nicely why studying theology makes sense for everyone. from Covenant Life Church on Vimeo..

Thinking Differently and Biblical Truth

I love to talk about innovation and to be innovative in my field. Part of my work is also with the Bible and in theology. Admittedly it is less threatening to be innovative in Christian mission and research. But they all require creativity and innovation. For me, the reason why Bible study and theology can be so creative and innovative… Read more →

State of Christianity (Evangelical)

State of Christianity (Evangelical)

This is a great video on the global statistics on Christianity (Evangelical) done by Intervarsity. Nicely done. It was presented at the Urbana conference. Here is where you can get more videos from the Urban2009 conference. I put evangelical in parenthesis since although they do not say specifically that they are talking about evangelicals the statistics do express that. I’m evangelical… Read more →

False Prophets and Foundations Presentation

False Prophets and Foundations Presentation

Jesus talked about identifying false prophets and about the foundations we have for our lives. Play the presentation below and think through the passage. Matthew 7:15-29 on Prezi .

Communist Museum in Prague lol

Communist Museum in Prague lol

This gave me a huge laugh today and just had to share it with you. Apparently there is a Communist Museum in Prague. I have only been to Prague a couple of times and never really had the chance to go site seeing. But this looks like it might be fun. .