Your task…

“Your task is not to find a community that meets your needs! That is shopping! Your task is to create community for those who do not have it! That is mission!” Marc’s Short Messages This is a great quote. Though I am not in “shopping mode” I still found it encouraging me toward a missional life. Blogged with the Flock… Read more →

chemicals in a leaky bag…spirituality?

Almost through the paper out…but one phrase stopped me: “The body: a bunch of chemicals in a leaky bag.” I am reading a book on the spiritual life and the contrast struck me. It is true that we are chemicals but we are also spiritual. We are an amazing collection of chemicals at that, “It is riddled with holes, yet… Read more →

¿Zero giving in Spain?

They say that Spaniards do not give much money to support their pastors and missionaries. I thought, well, maybe that is true but what about the rest of Europe? Then through a friend of mine, Lee Behar, I found an article, “Private Philanthropy’s Global Reach” and found that there is really no private philanthropy in Spain…none in Sweden either. This… Read more →

Worth reproducing?

“Is my life worth reproducing as a disciple of Christ?” Strong question. Just like we say that the family is the building block of society we need to say that a life lived in clear pursuit of Christ is worth being reproduced and that ‘reproduction value’ is the building block of reproducing churches. I am a big fan of internet… Read more →

Jason gets Baptized

Jason gets Baptized

Wow! I love baptisms and I especially love them when I know the life of the one being baptized. Jason is my brother-in-law and it has been a joy to know him as he has grown in the Lord and now has “followed the Lord in the waters of baptism.” Great stuff! It was wonderful to be there to watch..

Renovare Conference Quotes Atlanta May ’08

At the last minute I ran off to the Renovaré conference in Atlanta. It was an interesting experience. I thought I would give you some of the great quotes from my notes: Ken Boa who has authored over 70 books on Apologetics, the Spiritual life and much more said, “If you are not content with what you have you won’t… Read more →

What makes German Culture Special

In the Der Spiegel Online today I found an article about what Germans believe, hope and fear. Fascinating. The first graphic is on the left but there is much more. Freedom of expression is an incredibly high value for them. Over 90% of men and women thought this. Less than half believe in life after death (48% of women and… Read more →

Impressive! Web 2.5 – 3.0 software…that is free

I was totally impressed with an addon to Firefox called Zotero. It makes the Web more useful and fits perfectly into the kinds of things that will bring us to Web 3.0. To get there, they say that web browsers need to change. So, now, right from your Firefox browser Zotero can help you: Annotate and organize research results, including… Read more →

Mary Poppins ‘Scary Mary’ trailer

So, you can twist just about everything. My kids love Mary Poppins and so do I but we howled with laghter when we saw this…well Kate and I did while Anna thought it was awful that someone would turn such a happy movie into something that looked scary…but then she laughed at some of it too. Enjoy! [youtube=] YouTube Link… Read more →

Embraced, rescued

This morning I was really struck by this passage from the Bible, Ephesians 1:7 through 10. It is in Spanish below but you can find the English here. I was was humbled this morning because I was not feeling particularly forgiven nor redeemed…in other words, embraced by God, rescued by Him by Jesus. So, this morning, once again, I submitted… Read more →