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I am interested in urban life. I bumped into the urban dictionary today and laughed. It has definitions for urban slang. Here is one: yellular The loudness one adopts in response to a bad cell-phone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection. “I’m so embarrassed. I went totally yellular at a restaurant last night.” From… Read more →

Answer to Fasting and Prayer

Answer to Fasting and Prayer

Here we are at the beginning of lent and many Christians and followers of Christ are fasting for these 40 days before Easter. It’s great. A believer I know who lives in Europe was talking to a man who follows a different religion. The follower of Christ explained that he was fasting for Lent. The man replied, “I have never… Read more →

Twitter and microblogging …here

Ok, I am giving it a try. I started a twitter account and then connected it to my blog. We shall see if it works out well or not. Here is what the Wikipedia says about it: “Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (known as tweets), which… Read more →