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Davisville Missions House pics for Rosie

Davisville Missions House pics for Rosie

Here are some pictures of Davisville Church’s missions house where we are staying during July. I am putting these pictures up for Rosie who reads our blog but has not been to the mission house…she is one of the church’s secretaries…nice lady 🙂 Hi Rosie. .

90 days – work and rest

I am enjoying reading through the Bible. It is a bit of a challenge to make it through in 90 days but am working on it. I was recently struck by how much God wants us to work and to rest. The verse that says, “Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during… Read more →

tolerance or toss them out…how do you know what to do?

I know that tolerance is a virtue and I try to practice it always…but how do you know when to stop being tolerant? For some things that can be easy. Some folks just cross the line and their behavior excludes them. But at church how do you know someone is out to lunch…without the fork? Here are “Seven characteristics of… Read more →

Your task…

“Your task is not to find a community that meets your needs! That is shopping! Your task is to create community for those who do not have it! That is mission!” Marc’s Short Messages This is a great quote. Though I am not in “shopping mode” I still found it encouraging me toward a missional life. Blogged with the Flock… Read more →

chemicals in a leaky bag…spirituality?

Almost through the paper out…but one phrase stopped me: “The body: a bunch of chemicals in a leaky bag.” I am reading a book on the spiritual life and the contrast struck me. It is true that we are chemicals but we are also spiritual. We are an amazing collection of chemicals at that, “It is riddled with holes, yet… Read more →

¿Zero giving in Spain?

They say that Spaniards do not give much money to support their pastors and missionaries. I thought, well, maybe that is true but what about the rest of Europe? Then through a friend of mine, Lee Behar, I found an article, “Private Philanthropy’s Global Reach” and found that there is really no private philanthropy in Spain…none in Sweden either. This… Read more →

Worth reproducing?

“Is my life worth reproducing as a disciple of Christ?” Strong question. Just like we say that the family is the building block of society we need to say that a life lived in clear pursuit of Christ is worth being reproduced and that ‘reproduction value’ is the building block of reproducing churches. I am a big fan of internet… Read more →

Jason gets Baptized

Jason gets Baptized

Wow! I love baptisms and I especially love them when I know the life of the one being baptized. Jason is my brother-in-law and it has been a joy to know him as he has grown in the Lord and now has “followed the Lord in the waters of baptism.” Great stuff! It was wonderful to be there to watch..