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Ah! missed it

So focused on your goal or competitor that you miss the evidence of what is really going on and lose to the competition and fall short of the goal. “We have to get this product out and to the marketing guys, so just hit the report’s highlights and let’s get this thing approved for production.” The report said that production… Read more →

Good work set up for

Good work set up for you…us

We just finished up the European Missions Research Group core team meeting for this quarter. There were four of us though the picture only shows three: Me, Scott, Andreas and Don. Our theme verse seemed to be: For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them…. Read more →

Why would God Cry? 3 The colliding of worlds

Why would God Cry? 3 The colliding of worlds

I asked an old family friend “Why would Jesus cry?” and he said, “Because he was sad.” Verse 33, “He was deeply moved in spirit and was troubled” and verse 35 “Jesus wept” You could amplify the emotional words of the verse by trying to bring out the color from the Greek. It would read, “Jesus was greatly agitated, grieved… Read more →

Idea Capturing Software

Idea Capturing Software

“IdeaMason is what you need to manage and use your ideas and research in powerful new ways.” I have been using the software now for a couple of months and it is true. When Leanne was writing her doctoral project we were looking for some software to help with formatting all her bibliographic and citation material. That is when we… Read more →